Friday, May 6, 2011

Forward (like in a book, because I love themes)

Still no word from BU but today I really cemented the fact that I'm actually doing something really significant soon.
And no, it's not graduating, it's going abroad for a field school. Today I got all my vaccinations that I need to be able to travel.
First things first, I have never set foot outside of the United States, I have been off the continental US by going to the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas. Still, never gone to Europe and certainly have never traveled alone, besides a quick plane ride from Boston to Syracuse and driving myself to Boston all the time. This will be almost 11 hours on planes, by myself to meet up with a group of people I've never met in real life. And I'm very worried. My mom is a worrier and she passed that onto me. Even though I am excited all my nerves are overriding how awesome this experience will be.
-I'll be in Europe, in the Balkans, near the coast! I'll be on the beach!
-I'll be dealing with human remains, something I haven't done since my Human Osteology class
-I will be excavating human remains, something I've never done!
-I'll be working with Thomas Crist, a famous forensic anthropologist who has many of the credentials I would love to end up with in my career
-I can do a research project through this and maybe present it at a convention
-I'll be in Europe!
-it will only be for 23 days, so it's not a huge excursion.
And yet I'm so worried!
-I won't have internet and phone will be limited
-it's 23 days with people I don't know in a country where I don't speak the native language
-I'm traveling a long way by myself
-I don't know how to travel safely by myself
-I could get a disease
-This is so suddenly planned, I thought this summer would be all about hanging out with friends and getting laser eye surgery (which was going to be my present but now this field school is) And really not trying to sound super spoiled here but, I was honestly really looking forward to that too. I haven't told any of my friends from back home about this either.
-I still haven't heard from BU.
-I don't even go home after I graduate, I head straight off, I wanted to see my friends and my cat before I left.
-it's 23 days.
-I still have finals
-I have to pack some of my stuff with my mom over the phone

Granted, these fears will all seem small once I'm there and I'm sure I'll be so happy, but right now I'm not. I'm just worried.

I wish sometimes I could just switch my brain off, thinking and worrying so much makes it hard for me to sleep.

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